Thursday 23 April 2009

Caliban Again

Finished it, to an extent. It's up on Bibiofaction, an online yoke with loads of short stories on. There are several of these about, but this is the only one that:
a) doesn't have a shit name like Booksie, and
2) works. Nearly.
Main problem with it is that you can't edit your story after it's gone live, so if like many of us you're a spoon who can't spell his titles and doesn't bother proofreading, you're stuffed.
Still, fairly pleased with how it turned out- never written a story about nothing before, and I think it went well. Give it a glance, tell us what you think.

Saturday 18 April 2009

'Party Down and Go Fuck Yourself' indeed...

I'd forgotten how horrible call centre work is when you're overhung. It's just as bad when you're learning how to do it, as I am now. At FirstSource there's one computer you can use teh Innernetz on, and Facebook doesn't work, so I might as well try to bash my brain into order by writing something. Tried to read some of Heart of Darkness there. I could feel grey matter dripping onto my shirt, so I called a halt to that. And I took all the skin off the middle knuckle of my middle finger playing an air conditioner like a reco-reco in Lavery's. Helluvan enyjoyable though.
I've been thinking about this- the last time I bothered my arse dancing on a night out for any more than thirty seconds at a stretch. Time was me and Laughlin would pull outlandish shapes until one of us got hit for spilling someone's drink or girlfriend or something. Wonder why I stopped? But the point is I bothered my arse making a tit of myself, rather than working on getting as blocked as possible in as comfortable a fashion as possible. And it was great craic. I remember the buzz now, of actually having to sit down for a while and take stock, pick things out of the blur of stuff happening, and not just sitting on my hands and then wondering why I've got no money left and naught but frown lines to show for it. Someone remarked last night than I've become awful quiet recently. Self-consciousness seems to have snuck up and bike-locked itself round my neck without my noticing it. Must try and do something about this.

Friday 17 April 2009

I do WHAT now?!

Finanlly recovered from Friday. Turns out I've worked a whole week in a call centre without realising it. I feel strange. Now to go finish Caliban before the odd weasrs off. Back in a minute...

Friday 10 April 2009

Early Doors

Today is the pagan festival of Good Friday. Or something to that effect. This means that bars close early; no-one knows why this is, but it seems to be a law of nature. As such, me and the fellas (the Brothers Bacchus) and some other fellas (Sang By Fire and Connor Hutcheon) will be playing some tunes upstairs in Lavery's, then clearing off somewhere else where we can drink without fat bald men in black jackets telling us to go home at some daft hour. Land down. Should be fun.

Friday 3 April 2009


Very well done to the XKCD man. It would appear he's got half the internet asking what the fuck a Higgs excitation is. The internet is a horrible place. And here are some reasons why.