Wednesday 8 June 2011

More Top-Class Youtube

Inspired to put finger to key this week by The Guardian's excellent Classic Youtube rundown, and one link they threw up in particular. Only on Youtube will you find a video of a kid doing a bicycle kick degenerating into an argument about the War of 1812. You couldn't write, you really couldn't...

Thursday 19 May 2011

Just me?

Wasting time fucking around on other people's blogs, you see some odd things. This is one of those things. Don't know what it is, but the sight of all these tiny cars, dead silent on the grid, scares the crap out of me. Answers on a postcard...

Plus the Japanese guy at the end's a fucking hero. Pretty much as you'd expect a Japanese professional toy car driver to look.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Trying something different

If I'm going to be sitting around doing nothing, I reckon it's time to try and get one of these books out of me. Haven't finished one in years. So I'm going to change things up a bit.

When I used to get things done, I always worked solid for two or three hours from the end of school till the folks got back with dinner, then generally another few hours late at night until sleep happened. So I'm going to try imposing this schedule on myself again, see what I can get done. Yesterday I  managed to get a fair amount of background work done on a novel I tried to write for NaNoWriMo a couple years back, which fell flat on its face. I'll keep you posted.


Wednesday 13 April 2011

"Well excuse me all to hell..."

Interesting Diversion of the Day: The people at ToolShed got annoyed that March Madness (whatever the fuck that is) ended, and have instituted Tool Madness, a round robin tournament to determine the greatest Tool song. Get on it here.

Turns out Tool is the best room-cleaning music known to man - I've just turned my hovel from a Fukushima impersonator into something resembling human living quarters in the time it took Maynard and the boys to get through three songs. The things a man does when he's nothing better to do...

Speaking of, a documentary I found myself watching yesterday. I want that guy to be my granda... and this guy on my da's side. The family functions would be immense.

Keep it simple, keep it honest

Friday 25 March 2011

I have a new favourite sport

Fan as I am of men with unusually co-ordinated feet and men falling over, on discovering these lads, I decided we should all just stop inventing games - it's been sorted people, everyone just get onto their nearest oversized net dealer and have a nice game of Sepak Takraw. I'll see ye's in hospital.

Keep 'er airborne


Thursday 24 March 2011

Fuckit, why not...

I may - *hack hack cough* blue thundering fuck it's dusty in here - as I was saying, I may just have been persuaded to scribble about things over the tubes again about things slightly less fictional, by Grieve, the man behind TheGrieve and Capsuleering (I may have had a hand in the latter, you can tell by the foulness of some of it). So I thought I'd give this place a spring cleaning while I'm about it. Updates to follow.

[Wow, six... seven spurious links and two cusses in under a hundred words? Right back in the saddle...]