Friday 25 March 2011

I have a new favourite sport

Fan as I am of men with unusually co-ordinated feet and men falling over, on discovering these lads, I decided we should all just stop inventing games - it's been sorted people, everyone just get onto their nearest oversized net dealer and have a nice game of Sepak Takraw. I'll see ye's in hospital.

Keep 'er airborne


Thursday 24 March 2011

Fuckit, why not...

I may - *hack hack cough* blue thundering fuck it's dusty in here - as I was saying, I may just have been persuaded to scribble about things over the tubes again about things slightly less fictional, by Grieve, the man behind TheGrieve and Capsuleering (I may have had a hand in the latter, you can tell by the foulness of some of it). So I thought I'd give this place a spring cleaning while I'm about it. Updates to follow.

[Wow, six... seven spurious links and two cusses in under a hundred words? Right back in the saddle...]