Saturday 28 June 2008

Random Question

I asked this site to give me a random question earlier, and it got uppity when I tried to answer it in more than 400 characters. So I'm sticking it here, because I feel like it.

Q. Sponges and tongues are frequently misspelled. Is it because both are thirsty?

A. It is indeed. But the question I think we should be asking is- why are both thirsty? This is because your tongue is not a muscle, but actually a fish, living in your mouth in a kind of symbiotic relationship. It can only breathe in water, hence your production of saliva to keep it going. However, occasionally the saliva in your mouth gets too alkaline, which annoys the tongue. It then tells its buddy the brain (actually a mollusc) to make the rest of the body drink either very fizzy, very sugary, or very alcoholic beverages, to foster its preferred slightly acidic environment. So if you're an alco, don't blame yourself; your tongue and brain are bastard fish.

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