Wednesday 13 May 2009

Hair and Soup

Just realised how inaccurate my profile picture yoke is. I got blocked a couple of Saturdays ago (nothing unusual there), and being as it's more clement in Belfast than it's been in a while, and I had a kid sister to christen the next day, I got all my hair sliced off by a Turk with limited English. I now have a hairdo. It stands up by itself. Probably the result of years of yanking my locks out of my face, and shovelling hair out of the way of food or drink intake. Very unsettling, I can tell you. Haven't got a more acurate photo though. I dodge cameras quite well.
Now to go back to work, with a big wobbly belly full of tomato soup, and a big muzzy hangover head that won't go away. A banana, a banana, my kingdom for a banana...

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