Monday 24 May 2010

Justin Bieber's Male?

I just found out Justin Bieber, instead of being the lesbian dyke-child I thought it was, is actually a male boy-child. There was me thinking "Good for her- rare to see an out-and-proud lesbian woman doing well in pop, especially one as full-blown and butch as that. Bit of an unusual name for a girl, but she is American. Nuff said." Oh how wrong I was.

My main reason for this erroneous guess at the manboything's gender orientation was its singing voice: too high to be a bloke, too low for a typical pop songstrel. And the fact that it got a boo at Radio 1's Big Weekend there (what? The radio in the kitchen comes on by itself and I can't turn it off. I was making an omelette) was proof that the Bieber wasn't some kind of androgynous girl-looking child sex symbol, as I know recognise he/she/it/they is/are.

Admittedly I should've been wary of a jump to this conclusion. When I was a kid I thought Tracy was an odd name for a man. Then I found out Tracy Chapman was a lady, with an exceedingly deep voice (even after having seen videos on the old Top 30 Hits). Several friends have made similar mistaken assumptions about Nina Simone. Still...

1 comment:

Connor H said...

I still reckon tracy chapman's a guy.
It's all a marketing ploy.
Apparently nina simone wasn't.
I'm gonna have to dig her up and have a look either way.