Friday 12 November 2010

Footballing Philosophy Corner

This week, Spurs legend Danny Blanchflower, on seeing a 35-yard punt let in by a woeful keeper in the formative years of US televised sah-kerrr, and being told by TV chiefs to 'be positive' about it, i.e., not slate the ballbag. The bigwigs told him "We think there are two truths, a positive truth and a negative truth." They struck a nerve.

"Why had such inventive souls stopped at only two, I wondered? Why not four truths? Or 10? The philosophical winds of it swept through my mind. If they had two truths they must have two gods … But if there was no bad, how could there be good? What would their reactions have been if I had said of the goalkeeper at St Louis: Well, folks ... that sure was good negative play on his part, making it easy for them to score that great goal."

More great criac in the footballing sense here, here and here.

1 comment:

Connor H said...

"It's a disgrace!" ;)
Oh, and here: