Saturday 6 March 2010

Spring Cleaning

Ye gods, it's been a while. I've been floating about this winter in a haze of white powders, inferior beverages, pish music for the most part, and disappointment from a football team I wish I hadn't started watching again. Wouldn't change a thing though- the talent in this town is uncanny, and the competition being what it is (Englishmen who can't drink, can't dance and say things like "brap") I've been doing fairly well.

So what about writing? How have I been employing my hands besides hamfisting together rollies and doing the fingerbang (don't look at me like that, it's a dance)? Well there've been some short stories and a stack of flash fiction, which can be found here. Then Fantasy Bob talked me into playing space-based spreadsheet-'em-up EVE Online for a while and blogging about my experiences, the results of which can be found here - hint: my entries are the incoherent ones that slag everything off. Other than that, well, this is the first time I've had my own personal internet connection and computter, plus a lock on my door. What do you think I've been doing? That's right- listening to stolen Tony Robbins CDs and checking my Bakebook every thirty seconds. Fun fun reflexive fun.

But now there's a riffling buzz in the back of my head, as though a hive of bees is waking up. Springtime's upon us again, and with it a certain amount of energy seeps back into my sinews. And although I enjoy winter, its quotient of darkness being more conducive to acting the drunken maggot (what can I say? I get self-conscious being rubbered too often in the daytime), I've got a good feeling about this spring. Maybe it's the wide-eyed glee with which people here approach their partying, maybe it's the creaking and crackling of a long-dormant wing of my brain trying to convince me a girlfriend might be a good move, or maybe it's the five-day trip back to Belfast I've been eyeing up around Paddy's Day - if it comes off, it'll be monumentally messy - but I've got a bit of fire in the belly and an itch in the bones. I'll be back.

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